miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Phonemic chart.

Phonetics! Key to understand English and make yourself understood. While English grammar is more simple than the Spanish one, English phonetics are much more complicated. That's why we don't understand sometimes words that we perfectly know and make us feel frustrated.
I came across the following phonemic chart and thought it could be quite useful for English learners, as it reproduces each individual vowel, consonant and dipthong sound. Students sometimes see the symbols and tell me "what is that? How does it sound?" With this chart, they can see and listen to each of the individual sounds heard in English. Enjoy!


lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

European Day Of Languages!

Did you know there is a  European day of Languages which is meant to achieve a greater intercultural understanding in the whole of Europe?. That day is coming soon, it will take place on 26th September and a range of events are organised across Europe. Click on the link to find out more: